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Sermon Series

Making Moses
God has always been interested in shaping, forming, and teaching his people. This means God’s people have always been called to cooperate with that growth. By watching how God shaped and grew Moses, we can learn important lessons for how to cooperate in our own growth today.
Jan 26: Exodus 3:1-4 Turning Aside to See: Apprenticeship is noticing God’s presence
Feb 2: Exodus 3:10-17 Go, and I will be your Mouth: Apprenticeship is relying on God to equip you
Feb 9: Exodus 13:17-22 Pillars of Cloud and Fire: Apprenticeship is following God in the wilderness
Feb 16: Exodus 18:17-23 You are Not Able to Do it Alone: Apprenticeship is living within limits.
Feb 23: Exodus 32:11-14 & 33:12-19 Moses Implored the Lord: Apprenticeship is interceding
Mar 2: Deuteronomy 3:23-28 & 31:7-8 Encourage and Strengthen: Apprenticeship is encouraging the next generation of leaders
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