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Mom's Playdate Group

Moms with babies, toddlers, and children are invited to join us twice a month or more for friendship and connection! To join, please complete the form below.

Upcoming Playdates

  • Meeting for Playgroups 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month in the First and Calvary nursery through May.

  • Summer Schedule TBA 

Are You Craving a Bible Study?

Childcare will be available at those evening meetings on a first-come, first-served basis. You can RSVP for childcare to Lisa, our Children's Ministry Coordinator at by Sunday before each Wednesday evening meeting.

For more information contact: Wendy Everts at

Sign-up for Moms Playdate Group
Please check additional ministres you'd liketo learn more about.

Thanks for signing up! We will be in touch soon.

Sundays at First and Calvary

8:45 am | Worship Service

9:45 am | Classes for All Ages

11:00 am | Worship Service

6:30 pm | Worship Service

7:30 pm | Dessert & Conversation

820 E. Cherry St. Springfield Missouri 65806


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